Tuesday, April 19, 2011


     Whatever is happening in your life, don't pre-occupy yourself with the question 'why', but rather ponder more on to 'where' these events bring you. GOD is leading us to somewhere beautiful beyond the harsh realities of life. Once you get to 'where' GOD wants you to be, then you'll know 'why'.

Jeremiah 29:11 -- For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Father GOD
     Hold on to HIS promise everyday. GOD cares for you. :))

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Committed to Waiting

     1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Rejoice always!"
     Few days ago, I had a problem with a friend who happened to be someone special in my heart. I was disappointed with what had happen- the relationship I've been praying for years to grow suddenly came to its end. Yes, it was painful but I am still hopeful. No matter how hard I try to escape the pain, it won't go away. The conversation keeps on repeating on my mind. I realized i was a human. It's normal for me to feel this stuff. But we were created to last forever, not to stay as human. I asked GOD to give me strength and then I found myself comparing my pain to HIS, when he was scorned, tortured and DIED on the cross for me to live, for me to enjoy all the things HE created in this world and much more- for me to have space in heaven.
     The next day, I asked HIM to talk to me. That whatever it is I'm going to read on my ODB book, let the words be His tool. I opened my book and read on the bottom, it says that we shouldn't be spending our time in things that are least important. That fast! HE talked to me as soon as I plead! That was amazing! That afternoon, GOD leads me again to Ecclesiastes... TIME!
     By this time, I was recalling that chapter. I guess I was on a haste. I felt sad realizing that I was sinning! Oh, yes I was.  I feel like "pinangungunahan" ko si LORD on HIS plan for me. My own emotions were leading me to sin. With tears still dribbling on my cheeks, i remember praying inside our bathroom, asking for forgiveness and to grant me to learn patience.
     GOD's emotions matters, not ours, not anyone else's. Thank GOD for all the circumstances, Your Name be glorified in all. :))
     I learned a valuable lesson that miserable day. :)

--Berna. A child of GOD :)