Monday, November 28, 2011

Shout For Joy :)
We have experienced great things, but greater things are yet to come and greater works are still to be done for God’s glory :D

PRAISE GOD for the success of our Anniversary Celebration!
Our God is Truly Amazing :) 
We Love You Lord!

Sunday, August 21, 2011



1. Have you come to a place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if you were to die today you would go to heaven or is that something you would say you’re still working on?
2. Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to say to you “Why should I let you into my heaven?” what would you say?

Take the Test. 

There is only ONE WAY to prepare for eternity...


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Simply Clinging to our God

     Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
     Sometimes, things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first but when you reflect, you'll find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength or heart. We still have our GOD up there no matter what. He'll always help you out. I myself have thought I can't do a certain thing. I really can't do it without my God. READ JOHN 15:5 . Indeed, apart from Him, we can't do nothing. One more! READ PHiLiPPiANS 4:13. We can do all things with God who strengthens us. :)) Isn't it wonderful? We all have to do is to cling to our Father. He is always  with us. He loves us.
     An idiom says "Cry a river:; build a bridge and get over it." If we have experienced failures and sadness, let go of it. Even those people we remember but who no longer care for us. Let's face it. There are really these kinds of people who at some point will let you down. READ Deuteronomy 31:8, HE will never leave us nor forsake us. And by that our Father meant NEVER- to the fullest best meaning of NEVER. That's hpw faithful He is. Sweet isn't it?
     Letting go sounds so easy. Heard this saying: "Easier said than done." True. We all have this share of heartaches and sadness but when we constantly remember the pain and suffering we have endured, we only allow the sadness to gain. That's a No,No. 1 Thessalonians 5:16. Rejoice always! :)
     We must realize what has happened has happened. It's over and done. People change and times change. Moving on in life is very difficult but its the first constructive step to a better you.
     May God bless us! :)


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Not Just Numbers

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field
Matthew 9:38
It is sometimes uncomfortable to hear evangelism reports like “300 souls accepted Christ” or”90 out of 100 were saved,” as if evangelism were a business where “soul winners” have reduced people to numbers or ghostly beings. What a far cry from the heart of Jesus!

Compassion for people marked Christ’s ministry on earth. Amidst the crowds, He saw these harassed and helpless people with real needs. He came to be their Shepherd but His sheep did not recognize Him.

Notice that Jesus did not just instruct His disciples to go out and win lost souls for Him. He also gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness. Christ was concerned with both the spiritual and physical condition of people. Following His example, we need to address not just the spiritual needs of those we evangelize, but their physical and material needs as well. Let’s be careful not to reduce people to evangelistic projects or wandering souls that we need to be directed to heaven.

Christ’s use of the harvest metaphors for people gives me certainty and hope. For palay (unhusked rice) farmers, doesn’t “harvest” suggest that the grain is ripe and ready for picking? All they need to do is to go back to the fields and gather the crops.

Jesus is certain about the harvest. He died on the cross to save humankind from sin. But just as the workers were few in His time, the workers are fewer still today.

Friend, what’s keeping you from going out to the harvest field today?

Lord, help me see people with Your eyes of compassion. Help me see evangelism as more than “soul-winning” and grasp the urgency of people’s need for salavation.

^soul is the heartbeat of God.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Journal of Daily Praises # 003: HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD?

"How great God is --- God is more than we imagine" ~ Job 36:26a

How Great Is Our God Lyrics
Artist:Chris Tomlin

The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice

He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end

The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb

Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Come find new HOPE :)


Evangelism is spreading the Good News.

The Good News is JESUS: He died for our sins was raised from death by the Father, according to the Scriptures, and on the basis of His death and resurrection He offers forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all those who repent, believe, and are baptized.

This message is to be proclaimed to all people.

Who is responsible for spreading the Good News? The Church. All believers. (Matthew28:19,20)

Why should we try to tell all men about Christ, in the speediest way we can? And why does this require the involvement of all Christians? For many reasons:

1. Because God loves every person in the world. (John3:16) (1Timothy2:3,4)

2. Because Jesus commands us. (John20:21) (Acts1:8)
To fail to share Jesus with others is to disobey Him.
To bring the Good News to men is the high privilege and sacred duty of every believer. If we are not evangelizing, we have no right to call ourselves His disciples.

3. Because we owe the Gospel to all men. (Romans1:14,15)
It is a huge debt, and it is growing every day. Of the world’s nearly 7 billion people, only 1/3 profess to be Christians. Some 3 billion people still need to be told about Jesus – who loves them and died for them. Who will go and tell them? All Christians must be involved.

4. Because hell is not a joke.(Matthew25:41) (Matthew25:46;18:8) (Revelation20:10,15)
Consider all the people who have not responded to the Good News. Include your loved ones, your friends and neighbors, your classmates and co-workers, and your relatives. How can we even think of hell without tears?

5. Because Jesus is the only Way. (John14:6) Luke11:23) (Matthew11:27) (Acts4:12) (John5:23) (1John2:23)

6. Because we only have this life to choose Christ. (Hebrews9:27)

7. Because Jesus is coming soon.
How soon? No one knows exactly. (1Thessalonians5:2) We need to be ready.
(2Thessalonians1:7-9) (Matthew24:14)

8. Because man’s greatest need is peace with God. (Matthew22:35-40) (Luke10:25-28) (Mark10:45)

9. Because the Good News is powerful. (Romans1:16) (1Corinthians1:17-25)

10. Because we cannot help but speak(Acts4:20) (Psalm34:8) (Matthew12:34) (1Corinthians9:16) (1Peter2:9,10)

11. Because God is delighted and glorified when men are converted. (Luke15:7)


Let us go forth and proclaim Christ to all people!

Source: Magalit, Isabelo F. 2008. How to share Jesus, revised and updated version. Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila: OMF Literature Inc.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


     Whatever is happening in your life, don't pre-occupy yourself with the question 'why', but rather ponder more on to 'where' these events bring you. GOD is leading us to somewhere beautiful beyond the harsh realities of life. Once you get to 'where' GOD wants you to be, then you'll know 'why'.

Jeremiah 29:11 -- For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Father GOD
     Hold on to HIS promise everyday. GOD cares for you. :))

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Committed to Waiting

     1 Thessalonians 5:16 "Rejoice always!"
     Few days ago, I had a problem with a friend who happened to be someone special in my heart. I was disappointed with what had happen- the relationship I've been praying for years to grow suddenly came to its end. Yes, it was painful but I am still hopeful. No matter how hard I try to escape the pain, it won't go away. The conversation keeps on repeating on my mind. I realized i was a human. It's normal for me to feel this stuff. But we were created to last forever, not to stay as human. I asked GOD to give me strength and then I found myself comparing my pain to HIS, when he was scorned, tortured and DIED on the cross for me to live, for me to enjoy all the things HE created in this world and much more- for me to have space in heaven.
     The next day, I asked HIM to talk to me. That whatever it is I'm going to read on my ODB book, let the words be His tool. I opened my book and read on the bottom, it says that we shouldn't be spending our time in things that are least important. That fast! HE talked to me as soon as I plead! That was amazing! That afternoon, GOD leads me again to Ecclesiastes... TIME!
     By this time, I was recalling that chapter. I guess I was on a haste. I felt sad realizing that I was sinning! Oh, yes I was.  I feel like "pinangungunahan" ko si LORD on HIS plan for me. My own emotions were leading me to sin. With tears still dribbling on my cheeks, i remember praying inside our bathroom, asking for forgiveness and to grant me to learn patience.
     GOD's emotions matters, not ours, not anyone else's. Thank GOD for all the circumstances, Your Name be glorified in all. :))
     I learned a valuable lesson that miserable day. :)

--Berna. A child of GOD :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Journal of Daily Praises # 002

The will of GOD is not something we need to discover. Rather, it is something we need to do.

Seek God. Matthew 6:33
Praying itself is the will of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
Learning from wise people is the will of God. Proverbs 19:20, 20:18
Wait for God. Psalm 27:14
Grow in wisdom. Proverbs 3:6-7
Ponder the word of God. Psalm 1
Worship God. Ephesians 5:18-19

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Journal of Daily Praises # 001

Chronicles 29:11-13 (KJV)
"Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.   Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name."
Hi Everyone :) Would like to welcome you all in the official blog site of New Life Church Youth Ministry.

New Life Church is located at #0670 3rd Street, Casmor Subdivision, Mabiga, Mabalacat, Pampanga, Philippines 2010.
New Life Church is a purpose-driven church with a vision to win, to equip, to disciple and to send, all for the glory of God.
New Life Church exists to share the Good News and to lead people to be growing disciples of Jesus Christ.