Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Not Just Numbers

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field
Matthew 9:38
It is sometimes uncomfortable to hear evangelism reports like “300 souls accepted Christ” or”90 out of 100 were saved,” as if evangelism were a business where “soul winners” have reduced people to numbers or ghostly beings. What a far cry from the heart of Jesus!

Compassion for people marked Christ’s ministry on earth. Amidst the crowds, He saw these harassed and helpless people with real needs. He came to be their Shepherd but His sheep did not recognize Him.

Notice that Jesus did not just instruct His disciples to go out and win lost souls for Him. He also gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and heal every disease and sickness. Christ was concerned with both the spiritual and physical condition of people. Following His example, we need to address not just the spiritual needs of those we evangelize, but their physical and material needs as well. Let’s be careful not to reduce people to evangelistic projects or wandering souls that we need to be directed to heaven.

Christ’s use of the harvest metaphors for people gives me certainty and hope. For palay (unhusked rice) farmers, doesn’t “harvest” suggest that the grain is ripe and ready for picking? All they need to do is to go back to the fields and gather the crops.

Jesus is certain about the harvest. He died on the cross to save humankind from sin. But just as the workers were few in His time, the workers are fewer still today.

Friend, what’s keeping you from going out to the harvest field today?

Lord, help me see people with Your eyes of compassion. Help me see evangelism as more than “soul-winning” and grasp the urgency of people’s need for salavation.

^soul is the heartbeat of God.

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